CAMELS vs EAGLES: PhD research

Dear John,
Thank you very much for your kindness sending me your articles.
This time i'm preparing my thesis. Honestly, first i was interested to write 'bout CAMEL. But after finding your blog (, and read bout "Why CAMEL failed to recognize the weakness of banks...." , i'm so interested to know more bout this EAGLES and the basic knowledge of it. If you have any other articles bout EAGLES, would you please send me?? it will be so helpful for my thesis. Well, to be true, i have difficulties in searching EAGLES topics on the net. bunches of thanks.

What fundamental changes can be expected from Banks?

Dear Readers

Many readers have asked whether there are any recent research articles based on EAGLES and SRQ. The straight answer is there are none.
The reasons are:

  1. We need to plan carefully how, where and when we present our research.
    The banking sector in every nation is a powerful lobby group.
    (My travel visa was nearly revoked twice in 2 countries for presenting research papers on the macroview on weakness of the banking sector. No bank names were disclosed. Many central banks do not wish to hear external researchers telling them the bad news).

Why CAMEL failed to recognize the weakness of banks?

Many analysts or bank inspectors use the CAMEL for analyzing banks and not knowing the disadvantages of the model. Here is an expose of the potential loopholes and where the EAGLES benchmark may excel.

Demise of CAMEL?

In the CAMEL, analysts assess five key aspects of the operations of a financial institution – Capital, Assets, Management, Earnings and Liquidity – rating them on a scale of 1 to 5. An overall rating of 1 is best while a rating of 5 implies a bank being laden with existing or potential problems.

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