November 2015

Bank Ratings in Emerging Asia - Methodology, Information and Technology (EAGLES vs CAMEL)

The CAMEL and EAGLES analysis are now written in greater detail.

Vong, J. (et al.) (2015). Bank Ratings in Emerging Asia - Methodology, Information and Technology in Emerging Technologies for Emerging Markets, Springer New York, pg 25 - 35.



Present Your Clan with Customized Lapel Pins and Celebrate

Supporting a cause or supporting a specific group which you are a part of is not just about feeling that flame and loyalty in your heart. The only way one can celebrate their passion and joy for something they are a part of is by carrying a mark which proves their involvement and their dedication towards it. If you are proud about something which you are a part of customizing a lapel pin for your reason and cause could help you gain more support and respect amongst people and your clan.

Investors Edge: Get the Best Solutions for Property Investment and Property Management in Perth

The capital of Western Australia and fourth-most populous city in Australia, Perth is globally renowned for its jubilant character and sunny climate. From manmade wonders to scenic natural glory, from charming parklands to great marine life, the beautiful city of Perth never ceases to amaze. Moreover, the relaxed, laid-back lifestyle of Perth is yet another reason why it is ranked among the top 10 most liveable cities on the planet.